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About Ascend Books

Ascend Books is a highly specialized publishing company with a burgeoning presence in sports, entertainment, and commemoration events. Ascend Books publishes a variety of formats each year — in a variety of subject areas including both adult and children's titles.

Custom Book Publishing

Ascend Books executes publishing projects in a tightly defined market — that of sports celebrities, including athletes, coaches and teams, and of significant anniversary celebrations of sports institutions, such as football bowl games, franchises, and halls of fame. Ascend also provides exciting titles in the entertainment arena, including books on jazz music, beer, and other popular topics. Ascend Books has also been recognized for publishing wonderfully illustrated children’s books written by national and regional celebrity authors.

Our custom book publishing initiative provides a multi-dimensional approach for a select number of titles. Each year, Ascend Books preserves the legacies and milestones of groups, associations, charities, and teams who celebrate significant anniversaries, events, and accomplishments worthy of a custom book project. With these milestones comes the opportunity to broaden the collective mindshare of the customers, fans, or memberships close to that organization or individual.

Ascend Books evaluates and recommends various book publishing options for high-profile individuals and groups in areas of business, sports, and entertainment. We are interested in books worthy of regional or national trade distribution, as well as opportunities requiring an industry-specific emphasis to a targeted and specific readership. We will consider publishing projects for private consumption or distribution to both regional or national retailers.

Each year Ascend Books works with the nation's leading industry professionals and associations. The Ascend Books distribution team shepherds thousands of books from press to audience each month. We employ professionals in editorial, sales, production, and distribution roles. Our stringent publishing criteria, however, limits the number of books we publish each year. When we accept and initiate a book publishing project, we put our full complement of talented editors, collaborators, photographers, artists, and sales professionals behind each project. Unlike many other publishers, the Ascend Books team works with setting goals, then establishing defined objectives to maximize the sales opportunities for each project. When the decision is made to proceed on a book, we put the full strength of our sales, editorial, development, production, and distribution resources to work.

At Ascend Books we pride ourselves on:

It may be time to contact us if you are:

Ascend Books considers a variety of approaches, distribution channels, and publishing efforts for each submission. We count on our strategic partners to assist in reaching our collective goals. Our publishing efforts are a true partnership in every sense of the word.

Contact us to discuss our custom book publishing opportunities. Direct your submissions to:

Bob Snodgrass CEO & Publisher, Ascend Books (913) 948-5500 (enable javascript)
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